Questions & Answers

Why & why now?
  • We have a clear vision to see our community’s children raised under the teaching and authoritative instruction of God’s Word.
  • The human secularization of our public schools are no longer a safe place for the educational and spiritual formation for children.
  • God is faithful and His provision is dependent on our obedience.
Who & what will they do?


  • School Exploratory Team 
    • Kimberly Hurt & Jon Loftis (co-chairs)
    • Pastor Michael Rodriguez
    • C. H. Faber
    • Rita Loya
    • Ken Winebarger
    • Sarah Cochran


  • Advisors:  
    • Debra Cardwell (ICCS Director)
    • Cathy Boyle (Founding Board of ICCS)
    • Dr. Kevin Moore (Educator, past member)
    • Jack Wilson (Attorney)

This team has been appointed by the Leadership Team and they are working on researching other schools in the area as well as defining what Ironbridge Christian Academy will be.

How will it happen?

We recently launched a capital campaign in order to raise $1.5 million dollars to help with the following:

  •  Make improvements to our current building to be ready for students and staff.
  • Day to day operations of the school.
  • The establishment of a scholarship fund for our future students.
When will it happen?

First 18 Months:

  • Survey area Christian schools, establish identity – vision, mission, values; curriculum & standards for academics & spiritual development, structure – governance, local & state and accreditation requirements, admissions, financial budget and initial funding.
  • To see the redevelopment of the ICCS Board to become the ICA Board with a clear Mission, Vision, and Set of Operating Values
  • To retain the Director of the current  ICCS Pre-school and to hire a Director for ICA’s K-5 elementary school by January of 2025
  • Begin K classes the Fall of 2025 – Target 30-40 students (2-3 classes); with teaching director
  • Building/Facility readiness for tours early 2025: classrooms, worship facilities, arts, recreation areas, lunch/dining facilities, restrooms,…

Years 2-5:

  • To see ICA to add 1 grade per year until complete with preschool – grade 4-5
  • Build strong reputation – vibrant, healthy learning environment demonstrating academic excellence and spiritual growth for every student 
  • Expand classes into current youth center 
  • Increase staff and leadership capacity – adding 40 students/year; max. current facility at 250 students (110 prscl /160 K-5 students)
  • Begin planning for facility expansion in concert with Church needs and growth

Years 6-10:

  • Add middle school and build out full complement of curriculum, arts, sciences, sports, etc…
  • Expanded facilities in place for 250 additional students 
  • Continue growth at 40-50 students per year
  • Prepare for grades 9-12
What is the goal of the capital campaign?

The goal of the capital campaign is to raise $1.5 million to support the launch of Ironbridge Christian Academy and enhance our church’s facilities to expand our reach and impact in the community.

How will the funds raised be allocated?

The funds will be allocated as follows:

$1 million will go toward the launch of Ironbridge Christian Academy, covering essential costs such as curriculum development, classroom setup, teacher salaries, and administrative support.

The remaining $500,000 will be used to enhance our facilities, including projects like renovating buildings, upgrading technology, and enhancing recreational areas.

Why is the $1.5 million goal necessary fo rthe launch of Ironbridge Christian Academy?

The $1.5 million goal is necessary to ensure that Ironbridge Christian Academy launches with a strong foundation. The funds will cover critical startup costs, allowing us to provide a high-quality Christian education and create an environment where students can thrive academically and spiritually.

How will the capital campaign impact the future of our community and church?

The capital campaign will have a lasting impact on our community and church by providing the resources needed to launch Ironbridge Christian Academy, a key part of our vision to guide generations to follow Christ. The enhanced facilities will also allow us to reach more families and expand our ministry opportunities, furthering our mission to make a difference in our community.

How can I contribute to the capital campaign?

You can contribute to the capital campaign by making a one-time or recurring donation online (select Above & Beyond) or by check (writing Above & Beyond in the memo). Every contribution, no matter the size, will help us reach our goal and make this vision a reality.

Ready to Give?

Select "Above & Beyond" from the drop-down menu, or if you're writing a check, note "Above & Beyond" in the memo. Every gift matters!

Additional questions?

Click the button below to send your questions to the ICA Exploratory and Development Team.