Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What time are your services?

    We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM, both in person and online. Come early to grab a cup of coffee and connect!

  • What about kids and students?

    Bridge Kids (Infants–5th Grade) meets during both the 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM services, providing a safe and fun environment where kids learn about Jesus at their level.

    Students (6th–12th Grade) meet at 9:00 AM for Bible study and then join the main service at 10:30 AM.

  • How long do services typically last?

    Our worship services typically last about one hour. We begin with uplifting worship, followed by a practical, Bible-centered message. Feel free to hang out afterward—we’d love to meet you, and there’s always coffee!

  • What should I wear?

    Come exactly as you are - don’t dress up or down for anyone.

  • Is your church accessible?

    We have made sure that our building is accessible for people of all different abilities. We have ramps for wheelchairs, braille signs for the visually impaired, and sign language alongside the service for the hearing impaired.

  • What denomination is the church affiliated with?

    We are a Southern Baptist church, rooted in biblical teaching and passionate about guiding generations to follow Christ. While we are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, our focus is on welcoming people from all backgrounds as we grow in faith together.

  • Can I watch services online if I can’t attend in person?

    Absolutely! If for any reason you can’t make our in-person service, you can always watch it live or watch it back here on our YouTube channel.

  • Are there opportunities to connect in smaller groups?

    Yes! We have groups that meet on Sundays at 9:00 AM as well as throughout the week in homes and at church. These groups provide a great way to build relationships, grow in your faith, and find community. When you visit, we’d love to help you find a group that fits you!

  • Can I talk to a pastor?

    Absolutely! Our pastors would love to connect with you, whether you have questions about faith, need prayer, or just want to learn more about Ironbridge.

    Email us and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.